
Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #1-4

Created by Brenton Lengel

Snow White awakens to Prince Charming's Kiss...28 days later. The fourth installment of the Ringo Award-nominated dark fantasy series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

SWZA #5 over 60% Funded! SWZA Vol. 1 50% Off!
7 months ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 02:06:00 PM

We're doing it folks!

Thank you all so much for all the enthusiasm you have showed. I have a very quick update that I'm writing before leaving for Indiana Comicon. If you're in the area come by and see my editor Andrea Molinari at the Scout booth!

Very quickly, while the response on day 1 was phenomenal, things slowed a bit. As I am not one who lets speeping zombies lay, I'm introducing an incredible deal: you can get the SWZA Vol. 1 Delux Hardcover MISPRINT for just $35 as a level OR you can add one onto you order for just $30!

Can you believe that?  I won't even be charging additional shipping to add it on to orders within the United States and only $20 additional for European orders (The weight of the book increases the cost of shipping internationally considerably) 

We are essentially giving the book away at-cost, so the books are limited to only 100 (50 as a level and 50 as an add-on) Pledge/add them on NOW so you don't miss out in this incredible deal, and give the campaign the shot in the arm it needs to raise the remaining $5500!



SWZA #5 + NEW HORROR SERIES: "The Shepherd"
8 months ago – Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 08:32:01 PM

Hey folks! It's been a long time. Quite a bit has happened since you backed this KS back in 2020:

SWZA has gone from a one-shot to a 6+ book series with two Ringo awards and an EISNER WINNING artist. Also, this happened:

The graphic novel SWZA Vol. 1 is almost fully fulfilled and will be getting a release in STORES via Simon and Shuster later this year:

But not this deluxe hardcover edition. That's just for US.

 And Neil Gaiman himself gave me permission to open the book with this poem (which fits SWZA just, SO WELL):

Point is, if SWZA has dropped off your radar now's the time to come back on! And guess what? I have the PERFECT way to do that:

Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #5:

With the fulfillment of SWZA Vol. 1 in its final stretch,  I'm going to be launching the NEXT installment, and folks? It's gonna be AMAZING:

Adam Bryce Thomas of IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog and Samurai Jack is beginning his run on the series, and he's basing it on Berserk:

For the fairytale this time, I'm pulling from The Saga of Hrolfr Kraki and His Twelve Berserkr Bodyguards and our antagonist is a literal Drauger:

And because it's me...yeah I couldn't resist turning this into an honest-to-god Dungeoncrawl:

Bottom line is: if you like what's happened up till now you will LOVE the next installment of Snow White Zombie Apocalypse So,Please click this link, then click "Notify me". even if you don't plan to get the book, the more pre-followers we have on the campaign, the better kickstarter's algorithm will treat us!

There's never been a better point to come onto the series and you 1000% don't want to miss this historic new issue. So what are you waiting for? Please click here to pre-follow SWZA #5:

The Shepherd:

So, ONE of the people who is most responsible for SWZA being as good as it is, is my editor Andrea Molinari:

He has been a HUGE champion of my work, and has directly contributed to the comic's success by being a trusted second set of eyes on everything I write, ensuring that whatever I'm creating has its maximum impact.

And the thing is, he's currently running a kickstarter for a series all his own:

The book is about the titular character: "The Shepherd" A recently deceased professor tasked with rescuing souls from hell...which in this imagining functions less like a prison, and more like a hospital. It's a shifting spiritual landscape where the souls of the restless dead join forces to battle against their own inner demons:

Isn't that an incredible premise? Andrea has created one of my favorite kind of storytelling: worlds where, like Dr. Who, the writer can go anywhere and do anything from moving beyond the siren song of Wrath and Vengeance (Vol. 1), to collective redemption (Vol. 2): 

to the more intimate & traditional ghost stories revolving around those The Shepherd has left behind (Vol. 3):

Some of the stories are quite heavy (It's a horror book), but if you're intrigued or just want to help out, please pop over and pledge and/or share the campaign. A ton has gone into this and you'll be returning to Andrea all the mutual aid he's given SWZA & Durruti over the years.

>>> Click Here to Support The Shepherd on Kickstarter<<<


NPCs: Myth, Magic, and Retail #1 + Free Premium Limited Edition Sticker
about 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 10:36:32 PM

Hey everyone,

So first of all I need to thank each and every single one of you for being such a champion of my work. It's because of you that Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #4 is about to be released in comic shops nationwide on 10/25/23! And It's because of you that the SWZA Vol. 1 Graphic novel will be hitting actual stores, distributed by Simon and Friggin' Schuster (one of the big five publishers)  in 2024!

It's also because of you that Durruti: Shadow of the People became the massive runaway success that it was! 

And on that note, I want to show you something I've been working on, it's my THIRD original comic series which is just about to launch, I give you:

NPCs: Myth Magic and Retail

NPCs is a collaboration between myself, my co-writer Zac Xeper the lead singer and frontman for the punk band Dogpark Dissidents (currently signed to Say-10 Records); as well as artist/inkers Juan Francisco Mota of Zenoscope and Kit Buss of Critical Role (campaign one)& Cloven Bloodlines.

These four powerhouse creators have put their heads together to create something truly unique and incredible: a comedic high fantasy comic series that dares to ask: What would happen if Bob's Burgerscrashed headlong into Game of Thrones?

Intrigued? Of course you are. Check out our trailer! Then come back.

You check? GREAT! That's freaking awesome isn't it? It's a series *about* the non-player characters in Roleplaying Games!

When The Chosen Hero, Gwendolyn the Vanquisher (of the Trollenheim Vanquishers, First of Her Name) suffers a debilitating injury, and is forced to abandon her life of high adventure to take a job in the magical and exciting world…of retail:

This is somewhat poetic as at the beginning Gwen...isn't exactly the best person:

Gwen used to be an adventurer like you, and then she took an arrow in the knee.

This series is SO freaking cool, and there are so many awesome people involved. And do you know what the best part is? YOU get to help out AND get a really cool limited-edition sticker for your trouble!

To get this badass Premium & Limited Edition 3" x 3" sticker you've just gotta do three things:

1) Click "Notify Me" on this page before launch on 10/17/23 at 07:30 EST.

2) Pledge at "The Book" level or higher during the first 24 hours.

3) Comment your best line of stock NPC dialogue on the page. Something like "I hear the king has a new advisor" or "I am error."

The top THREE comments will be selected at the end of the campaign, and whoever makes them, will get a FREE Golden Blood-Covered King challenge coin! (a $20 value)!

4) Send this campaign to all the cool people you know! (Optional)

This campaign will *only* be running for 15 days (not the usual 30) so make sure you pre-follow, both so you can get your free sticker and chance to win one-of-three gold challenge coins!

Remember, the more pre-followers we have, the better Kickstarter's algorithm will treat us! 

So even if you decide you want to sit this one out and wait till SWZA #5, you can STILL help this badass new series happen, with just two mouse clicks!

And you will ALSO have the chance to purchase any Snow White Zombie issues you may have missed (Like the SWZA Trade paperback and Deluxe Collector's Edition Hardcover!) AND any Durruti comics you have yet to acquire!

So starting Tuesday, 7:30 AM you can grab all the cool stuff I've made over the years AND help me make something truly unique and hilarious at the same time!

So what are you waiting for?

> Click Here to Pre-Follow NPCs #1! <

The FIRST SWZA Graphic Novel! Variant Cover + SWZA #5 Reveal!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 02:12:03 PM

Hey folks!

So, wanna see something cool? The campaign for the first SWZA Graphic Novel is dropping at 7am TOMORROW, on the auspicious date: 2/22/22!

I've been positively BURIED under work to get this campaign ready for you, and I think you're REALLY gonna love it. Why? Well for starter's here's the cover:

Hell heckin' yeah!

And here's the trailer:

Sold yet? You should be. This is going to be HUGE. Not only is the the first Graphic Novel that I and Autonomous Collective have ever put out--it contains ALL Snow White Zombie and Reign of the Blood-Covered King comics, as well as  a TON of supplemental material including two NEW SWZA Stories drawn by Ralf Singh (Zinnober, The Impure) & Kit Buss (Critical Role Season 1, Amazon's The Legend of Vox Machina). 

As well as TWO variant covers based upon the two series most responsible for me making comics today, namely: 

Wendy Pini's Elfquest Homage Variant:

Patterned Directly after Elfquest Book 2...the first graphic novel I ever read.

And Bill Watterson's Calvin & Hobbes:

Rapunzel and Snow White very much work as Calvin & Suzie.

PLUS a forward by Comic's Legend Ron Marz (Green Lantern, Marvel vs. DC) photos of the original NYC production, a copy of the original 10-Minute Play AND a look at what's to come from issue #5 and beyond.

And who's that? Our old friend Jack The Giant Slayer who will be making his SWZA Debut in issue #5!

Whether you're getting the graphic novel or not, this book is a milestone not just for me, but for the series and for you. It's a celebration of everything we have accomplished together over the past two years.

As such, if you could please pre-follow the page every single person who does gets us one step closer to getting funded, (as it helps Kickstarter's all-mighty algorithm realize that what we're doing is super cool.)

Cheers (and deepest gratitude)


Reign of the blood-covered king #3 is HERE + SWZA #1-4 has SHIPPED
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 01:09:49 AM

Hey everyone,

Thank you so much for bearing with me. This was a uniquely difficult fulfillment challenge, made all the more difficult due to some personal and family issues that were forced to take center stage. 

However, I was finally able to take my very last trip to the post office today.

So, as long as you are not from Australia or New Zealand your books should arrive in the next week or so. 

There are still a few of you who live in AU and NZ, and I apologize for the further delay. As your countries are locked down right now, I cannot send mail. Your books will ship as soon as the lockdown is lifted.


Reign of the Blood-Covered King (Digital) is here, and available for DL.

Here's a few panels completely out of context: 

That is one intense cow.

I'm really happy with how it came out, and I'm sure you're gonna love it. Check your PM box for a DL link!

Also, as soon as the holidays are over, I will be sending out rewards for Durruti: Shadow of the People -- so If you haven't gotten yourself a copy of Issue #1 yet this is your last chance!

Happy holidays!
